World Poetry Day 2023 – Abraham Lincoln

Twitter informed me that today is World Poetry Day and I have done acrostic poems in the past, but today I thought I would try something different.  I have been playing around with ChatGBT so I asked it to “write a poem about Abraham Lincoln” and this is what it came up with:

Abraham Lincoln – A Poem

In the land of the free, stood a man
Whose name and deeds, forever will standAbraham Lincoln
A leader who fought for unity and justice
His legacy endures, even now among us

Abraham Lincoln, a humble man of the soil
Rose to prominence with his wit and toil
His speeches and writings, etched in history
A symbol of hope, for a nation in misery

Through trials and tribulations, he held steadfast
In the face of adversity, he remained steadfast
With compassion and courage, he fought for what was right
And guided a divided nation, toward the light

In the midst of war, he proclaimed emancipation
And abolished slavery, a moment of liberation
His vision of equality, a beacon of hope
For those oppressed, struggling to cope

With his words and deeds, he brought a new dawn
Of freedom and democracy, for which he fought on
Though his life was cut short, his legacy endures
A reminder of what one man can achieve, with courage pure

Abraham Lincoln, is a name that will forever resound
A symbol of leadership, in times of trouble and abound
His spirit lives on, in the heart of a grateful nation
A timeless inspiration, for generations to come.

What do you think?  How did the AI do with this poem?  Should I try more? Let me know in the comments. #WorldPoetryDay

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