Teaching the Civil War

Educational Resources

Lesson plans, resources, videos, tools, tips, and strategies for teaching the American Civil War.

Soldiers of the American Civil War

Nearly 3 million soldiers took up arms and fought during the Civil War.  They came from all over, from different states, different occupations and social status to fight for what they believed in.  North and South, the soldiers suffered many hardships beyond being killed or wounded in battle.

Billy Yank

The average Union solder was young, hard working and lived on a farm and had a quiet life before picking up arms and heading off to war to end the Rebellion. Read More

Johnny Reb

The Confederate Army was made up of young men who were everything from farmers to students and they left their homes to fight for their rights. Read More


Soldiers on both sides were either issued uniforms of cotton and wool or had to purchase their own Colors ranged from blue and brown to red and green and each piece served a purpose. Read More


From their tents and food to cartridge boxes and haversacks, the equipment soldiers carried helped support them in their life as a soldier. Read More

Women and Children

The armies north and south were more common than most people realize.  From their organization and structure to the leadership, everything was structured to provide order. Read More

Civilian Men

Men who could not, or did not enlist had other duties to do to support their families, their cities, and their country.  Read More

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