More Videos on the Internet

Today, I am sharing some links to some additional videos available via the Internet. Antietam – Civil War Artillery Demonstration Firing a Civil War Musket (:44) PBS: The Civil War (5 videos of various lengths) Shiloh Reenactment (14:08) The Civil War (14:37)...

More Gettysburg YouTube Videos

Here are a few more short videos related to the Battle of Gettysburg for you to view: Three related to the story of Wesley Culp, Jack Skelley and Ginny Wade: Story about Spangler’s Spring: Just another great way for you to bring subject matter experts into your...

Gettysburg Done in Legos?

Well, 145 years ago the Battle of Gettysburg was raging and would become what some would call the turning point of the Civil War. Recently, I was bored and started searching around YouTube for Gettysburg related videos and came across the following video and just had...