Teaching the Gettysburg Address

Teaching the Gettysburg Address

I have talked about the Gettysburg Address in the past but during the 2010 Civil War Preservation Trust Teacher’s Institute I attended a session by Mr. Chuck Teague on Teaching the Gettysburg Address.  He has graciously given me permission to share some of...

Making New Photos Look Old

Here is something cool you can do with your students. Have them take modern photos and make them look old. For example, here is a photo that I took of some friends of mine from Sykes Regulars.   You can then take the photograph and put it into your favorite photo...

So many statistics….So little time

According to John Busey’s “These Honored Dead: The Union Casualties at Gettysburg”, the following is a list of the number of soldiers killed during the Battle of Gettysburg. Army Of the Potomac : New York 978 Pennsylvania 745 Massachusetts 200...