Highlights from the 2023 ISTE Conference

by | Jul 26, 2023 | Conferences | 0 comments

Uniting Innovators: Highlights from the 2023 ISTE Conference in Philadelphia

The 2023 ISTE Conference held in Philadelphia was a remarkable event that brought together educational technologists, educators, and industry professionals from around the globe. It’s been five years since I last attended ISTE and as an educational technologist, attending this conference was an opportunity to reconnect with long-time friends, explore cutting-edge products in the vendor area, and gain valuable insights from the thought-provoking sessions. Join me as I take you on a journey through the memorable experiences and exciting innovations that unfolded during this exceptional gathering.

Reconnecting with Long-Time Friends:

ISTE 2023 Friends

One of the most rewarding aspects of attending the ISTE Conference is the chance to reunite with colleagues and friends who share a passion for educational technology. The conference’s bustling atmosphere provided the perfect setting for reconnecting with long-time friends, exchanging ideas, and engaging in meaningful conversations about the latest trends in the field. From reminiscing about past collaborations to brainstorming future projects, the sense of camaraderie and shared enthusiasm was truly invigorating. It is truly one of my favorite parts of ISTE but, the downside is there is too little time to catch up on families and lives.  On the other side, I also met some individuals who I have followed online for a long time along with some who I hope will become “new” lifelong friends.  It’s the best part of these conferences.  

Exploring the Vendor Area:

The vendor area at the 2023 ISTE Conference was a vibrant marketplace buzzing with activity. Countless vendors showcased their innovative educational technology solutions, each with a unique approach to enhancing learning experiences. From virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) tools to artificial intelligence (AI)-driven platforms, there was an abundance of exciting products to explore.  One of the cool things about conferences like ISTE is that you can attend sessions on specific products like Google Workspace right in the vendor area.  This makes for great opportunities to learn exactly what you need in a short period of time.  Plus you can get some swag.

There was, of course, lots of vendors touting AI.  From Google’s Bard to other applications that are now integrating with ChatGPT, everyone seemed to be trying to get into the AI game.  There was lots of talk about Figma which according to their website is “a powerful web-based design tool that helps you create anything, websites, applications, logos, and much more.”  It is a free cool looking tool that is free for educators.  Another cool app that got some traction was Curipod.  Curipod has emerged as a promising tool for educators seeking to create and share interactive educational content, with the added advantage of AI integration. Similar to well-known platforms such as Nearpod and Pear Deck, Curipod offers a range of interactive features that foster student engagement and participation during presentations. Students can conveniently access the content using a unique code, similar to the familiar experience of platforms like Kahoot and Nearpod. However, the standout feature of Curipod lies in its AI capabilities, which can automate the process of lesson creation, providing educators with valuable time-saving benefits.

A couple of other takeaways from the vendor area:

  • EdTech companies need to realize that schools do not have an endless supply of money or money to waste.  For example, I saw a device charging station for $10,000.  That’s a lot of money that could be used to actually purchase devices for students.  Another example a vendor wanted $5,000 – $7,500 for a single VR station.  IMHO, that should not happen in schools.  That kind of money for a single workstation is a waste. 
  • Can we please move beyond “interactive whiteboards”?  These are not new and have been around FOREVER!  For the cost of these devices with projectors and all of the software etc, schools can get internet-enabled TVs and project to them.  There are so many free apps and other software that allows for interactivity that I just think these devices are a waste of money.  Interactive flat panels are at least an upgrade but are also more expensive.  Schools need to think outside the box more here.
  • Another item for EdTech companies, just because you have one more bell or whistle than another product, doesn’t mean schools should go buy it.  For example, I saw a couple of vendors selling video solutions to compete with Google Meet and/or Zoom.  Now that COVID has passed, are these still relevant?  Why would a school pay thousands of dollars for a piece of software that schools can get something similar for free (Google Meet)?
  • There was lots of talk about VR and I see the potential in this technology.  It too is not new and has been around for a while.  I do believe that it needs to become more affordable before a more widespread adoption will take place. 

Thought-Provoking Sessions:

ISTE 2023 Tradigital

The sessions at the 2023 ISTE Conference offered a wealth of knowledge and insights. The conference organizers curated a diverse selection of presentations, workshops, and panel discussions, catering to educators and educational technologists across all levels of expertise. These sessions, among many others, left attendees with a wealth of new ideas, research-backed practices, and actionable strategies to implement in their respective educational settings.  I only attended a few and have watch a couple on-demand but they have all been outstanding.  I also had the opportunity to present a couple of sessions.  First, my son CJ and I presented on “Careers in eSports” which was well attended.  I also presented a Google session on using Google tools in Social Studies and then later on I did a session on “Tradigital History.”  All of the sessions were well attended and presenting at large conferences like this is always fun. 


AI:  This year’s buzzword at ISTE

Throughout the 2023 ISTE Conference, one topic that dominated discussions and sparked immense interest was the role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in education and its potential impact on classroom practices. Attendees eagerly explored the possibilities of leveraging AI to enhance teaching and learning experiences. The sessions dedicated to AI in education were popular with educators who were seeking to understand how this emerging technology can be effectively integrated into the classroom.

Educators and experts engaged in lively debates on the ethical considerations surrounding AI implementation, ensuring transparency, privacy, and data security. They also delved into the possibilities of AI-powered personalized learning, where intelligent algorithms can adapt instruction to individual student’s needs, pace, and learning styles. The potential of AI to automate administrative tasks, such as grading and data analysis, was another topic of interest, allowing teachers to focus more on personalized instruction and student engagement. The conversations emphasized the need for responsible implementation, emphasizing that AI should augment human expertise and not replace it. Ensuring equity and access to AI tools for all students, regardless of socioeconomic background, emerged as a key point of concern.

The 2023 ISTE Conference underscored the importance of ongoing conversations, research, and professional development around AI in education. It emphasized the need for collaborative efforts between educators, technology developers, and policymakers to ensure that AI is harnessed to its full potential while keeping the needs and well-being of learners at the forefront. The future holds immense promise as educators continue to navigate the evolving landscape of AI and shape its integration into classrooms, creating a more personalized, engaging, and inclusive educational experience for all students.


The 2023 ISTE Conference held in Philadelphia was an extraordinary gathering that brought together educational technologists, educators, and industry professionals from around the world. Reconnecting with long-time friends, exploring the innovative products in the vendor area, and participating in thought-provoking sessions made for an enriching and memorable experience. The conference served as a testament to the power of collaboration, inspiration, and cutting-edge technology in shaping the future of education. Hopefully, I can be in Denver next year. 

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