Portrait of Robert E. Lee

The Library of Congress sponsors discussions on various books and broadcasts them via their website. One of the webcasts was about Robert E. Lee and features the author Elizabeth Brown Pryor. The author talks about her research into Robert E. Lee and provides a unique insight into this famous historical figure.

Check out the webcast HERE

Robert E. Lee


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  1. Mark Douglas

    Voltaire said history is an “agreed upon delusion”—and the Myth of Robert E Lee’s honor, bravery, and genius is a perfect example.

    We know now– thanks to Pryor and others -that Lee kept “hunting list” of escaped women slaves he wanted captured, and that when they were captured, he had them stripped and whipped, screaming at them during the whipping.

    We know now he sold children and women — that he broke up every “family unit” of the Custis slaves, when he got his hands on them.

    Far from being an abolitionist, Lee defended slavery — and even claimed the pain and cruelty of slavery was God’s intended way to teach the blacks.

    It is nothing short of hideous how Lee has been revered. He was not worse than many slave owners – but power corrupts. And it sure corrupted Lee.

    Many people say “well, you have to judge him in his times”. His times? Many people hated slavery — in his times. Even many slavers (like Custis) refused to sell children away from the mother, which Lee did without any hesitance whatever.

    In fact, Lee had disdain for slaves — blamed them for “being lazy” yet they did all his work.

    Lee’s military genius? A military genius does not get most of his “true believers” killed off, and alienate his own men. Contrary to persistent Southern myth — the vast majority of Lee’s men deserted his army. Lee himself ran cowardly out of Richmond at the first hint (falst it turns out) that the earthworks were breeched.

    By the way – do you know who built the massive earth works around Richmond? 70 miles in length, 3 miles wide? 50-100 thousand slaves had to build those –at Lee’s orders.

  2. Andrew Jordan

    Mr. Douglas clearly does not know what he’s talking about. His comment relative to “the vast majority of Lee’s men deserted his army” is just one of a host of inaccuracies in his diatribe.

    Additionally, it is well documented that Lee believed slavery was a sin. He professed this in a comment he made just prior to the war: “They do not know what they say. If it came to a conflict of arms, the war will last at least four years. Northern politicians will not appreciate the determination and pluck of the South, and Southern politicians do not appreciate the numbers, resources, and patient perseverance of the North. Both sides forget that we are all Americans. I foresee that our country will pass through a terrible ordeal, a necessary expiation, perhaps, for our national sins.”

    Perhaps Mr. Douglas should stick to writing on Wikapeideia where he obviously gets most of his “facts”

  3. x. zaq

    By the end of 1864 2/5’s of Lee’s army was absent, a considerble percentage without leave.
    More important is what happened at Gettysburg. Any mindset that Lee was such a great general
    is dispelled at Gettysburg. From the simple fact that he should never have fought there to begin with, to the complete and absolute meglamanical stupidity of Picketts charge.

  4. Me

    Ummm, Lee didn’t order the charge the way it was executed. That’s why it’s called “Pickett’s” charge.

  5. Tom Forehand, Jr.


    Since you believe that Lee had certain people whipped, please document this event and the proof for it.
    Remember an “accusation” (made by former slave Wesley Norris) is not in itself proof — it is an accusation or an allegation. Also, “anonymous” accusations are often very unreliable.

    Just repeating, such allegations without proving them to be true, does not make such allegations factual. So please present proof (document it with page numbers if you are referring to a book, etc.)
    Tom Forehand, Jr.


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