Lincoln Loved Learning

Here is another cool use of VoiceThread for your classroom. Melanie Lewis is an Instructional Technology Resource Teacher in Virgina and has created a webpage called Lincoln Loved Learning.

Mrs. Lewis has taken several images from the life of Abraham Lincoln and combined them together with a narrative text using VoiceThread. These photographs depict various parts of Lincoln’s life growing up including his family and how he loved to read. What is especially interesting about this project is that throughout the slideshow, several students provide additional insights and comments about the life of our 16th President. Finally, Mrs. Lewis has listed several additional resources for you to explore about the President.

I have discussed the use of this type of technology before, so here is just another example of how you and your students can create and share information. These types of activities are cross-curricular and promote student engagement and creativity.

Here are some ideas for other VoiceThread projects:

  • Research a Battle and discussion the important facts
  • Research a particular unit and show photos and provide information
  • Research a specific figure from the Civil War (lots of possibilities here)
  • Research a particular aspect such as medicine and show photos of wounded soldiers

So many possibilities…Let me know what you think and if you create any in your classrooms.

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1 Comment

  1. Tara


    I completely agree! Technology is all around us and classrooms are growing farther away from generic textbook teaching. I have just found a Civil War CD which encompasses new songs about facts, personalities, and stories of the Civil War. It can be used as a new type of learning tool in the classroom. Please check out the site, and let me know what you think! I really enjoyed it! Keep the Civil War memories alive!!


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